Sunday, January 07, 2007

Ano Novo

Começo de ano é quando eu faço aniversário também, e é uma época em que eu sempre fico pensativa, me questionando sobre toda a minha vida - onde estou, pra onde vou, o trabalho que eu escolhi, o que eu deveria mudar, o que me faz feliz, o que eu quero da vida, blábláblá.
E ontem li um
artigo na Fast Company sobre um livro que chama “What Should I do With My Life?”. Apesar do nome de auto-ajuda do livro, o texto tem 2 trechos bem legais:

"Po Bronson's article, excerpted from his book What Should I Do With My Life?, posits that the answer to that metaphysical question lies in finding meaning in work and life, then deciding what values are essential in the latter and making sure they're in sync with the former. "The choice," Bronson wrote, "isn't about a career search so much as an identity quest."

“…Starbucks chose a Bronson quote this year to put on half a million of its coffee cups--"Failure's hard, but success is far more dangerous. If you're successful at the wrong thing, the mix of praise and money and opportunity can lock you in forever."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

adorei a ultima frase.