Saturday, March 21, 2009

United Nations

Ja faz um tempinho que a gente tentou fazer do Two Way Monologue um blog bilingue. Na epoca criamos um novo endereco, e tentamos traduzir os posts daqui, la. Mas nao durou muito. Dava um trabalhao manter dois blogs que falavam da mesma coisa, e ate entao nao tinhamos um feedback internacional consideravel.

Ultimamente temos notado mais e mais leitores de outros paises quando checamos nossos unique visitors, e ate os comentarios em um post ou outro acabam sendo em ingles. Por isso, e em nome de quem nao fala nem le em portugues, resolvemos voltar a traduzir o blog mais uma vez.

Daqui em diante, procurem o link “Click here to read this post in English” no fim de cada texto publicado.

Have fun!

Ferr & Thais

PS: Prometemos tentar traduzir todos os posts no mesmo dia de publicacao, mas com certeza havera excecoes. O final-de-semana do Coachella com certeza e uma. Mas promessa e promessa e mais cedo ou mais tarde, as resenhas traduzidas chegam pelo link.


It’s been a while since we tried to transform Two Way Monologue into a bilingual blog. At the time, we created a whole new web address, and tried to translate every single post. It didn’t last very long, though. Translating the same exact posts for a different blog took a lot of time, plus there wasn’t a considerable feedback from other countries to keep us going.

Lately, we’ve been noticing more and more international readers in our ‘unique visitors’ charts, and even the comments we’ve been getting are, every now and then, in English. For this reason, and to honor our non-portuguese speaking readers, we’ve decided to translate the blog again.

From now on, look for the “Click here to read this post in English” link at the bottom of every post. You’ll be redirected to a page where things will probably make much more sense.

Have fun!

Ferr & Thais

PS: We promise to try and translate every post published, at the same time. But there will certainly be some exceptions, like the Coachella weekend – when we don’t have a single drop of extra time. Eventually, these posts will be translated so fear not our fellow readers. Just keep looking for the magical link.

1 comment:

Ange said...

Obrigado, meninas! Prefiro ler no jeito da "língua local" do destino final.

Thanks, girls! I rather to read in the way of local speakers of the final destiny´s trip.

Forgive me for any english oops.
